Abnormal Pap Smear

Abnormal Pap Smear services offered in Miami, FL

Abnormal Pap Smear

Abnormal Pap Smear services offered in Miami, FL

Gynecological exams can identify many conditions that affect women’s health. At his self-named practice in Miami, Florida, Miguel Albert, MD, and Mariola Sabillon, APRN, perform Pap smear testing to screen for concerning issues. In some cases, you might receive an abnormal Pap smear result. If so, the team has the expertise to provide an accurate diagnosis and treatment. To book an appointment, call the friendly office staff or use the online scheduling tool today.

Abnormal Pap Smear Q & A

What is a Pap smear?

A Pap smear is a screening procedure designed to detect any abnormal changes in the cells of your cervix. It's a relatively simple and quick test typically performed during your gynecological exam. 

The test involves you lying down on an examination table and placing your feet in supports called stirrups. Your provider then inserts a special tool into your vagina to collect a sample of cells from your cervix, which are carefully examined under a microscope to check for any irregularities.

What symptoms can cause an abnormal Pap smear?

Symptoms that can lead to abnormal Pap smear results include:

  • Pain
  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Rashes
  • Sores
  • Warts
  • Bumps
  • Unusual vaginal discharge

These symptoms may indicate various gynecological issues, including infections or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). If you experience these problems, your specialist can provide a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment. 

Does an abnormal Pap smear mean I have cancer?

No, an abnormal Pap smear doesn’t automatically mean you have cancer. However, it’s a vital indicator that further evaluation is necessary to determine the cause and potential risks. Additional tests may be recommended to get a clearer picture of your cervical health.

What medical services are provided after having an abnormal Pap smear?

After an abnormal Pap smear, your provider discusses the results with you and recommends the most appropriate next steps, which may include:

A repeat Pap smear

In some cases, a repeat Pap smear is suggested to see if the abnormality persists or resolves on its own.


A colposcopy is a procedure that involves using a magnifying instrument to closely examine your cervix. If your provider identifies any suspicious areas, they may take a biopsy for further evaluation.

HPV testing

Human papillomavirus (HPV) testing can determine if you have the types of HPV that are more likely to lead to cervical cancer.

Treatment for precancerous changes

If precancerous changes are detected, they can often be treated or managed to prevent the development of cervical cancer. This might involve procedures like a LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure) or a cone biopsy.

The team guides you through the process, explains your options, and works with you to determine the most appropriate course of action to safeguard your cervical health. 

To book an appointment at Miguel Albert, MD, for early detection and intervention if needed, call or click online now.