Post Menopausal Care

Post Menopausal Care services offered in Miami, FL

Post Menopausal Care

Post Menopausal Care services offered in Miami, FL

Menopause can bring significant changes to your life, and postmenopausal care helps you navigate those changes healthfully. At his self-named practice in Miami, Florida, Miguel Albert, MD, and Mariola Sabillon, APRN, provide dedicated care to promote your quality of life and help you thrive in this next chapter. To learn more about postmenopausal care, call the office or reach out online today.

Post Menopausal Care Q & A

Who needs postmenopausal care?

If it’s been over a year since your last menstrual cycle, you have technically entered the postmenopausal time of your life. Menopause encapsulates that year of transition, and now you are ready to pursue expert postmenopausal care.

Your provider is available to help you manage symptoms and can assuage your fears every step of the way by letting you know what to expect.

Why is postmenopausal care important?

This type of health care is specialized to help women not only endure the menopausal process but mitigate symptoms and experience overall wellness.

Postmenopausal care is vital because your body’s needs change from what you have been accustomed to for so much of your life. For example, as your body produces less estrogen over time, you may be at greater risk for osteoporosis or other health problems, and consistent care can protect you from adverse health outcomes.

In addition to symptom care, your specialist can counsel you on helpful exercise, nutrition, and medication choices for this time of your life.

What can I expect from my postmenopausal care?

Every woman’s body is different, and your provider ensures that your postmenopausal care reflects your unique strengths and needs. They perform meticulous evaluations and assess your hormone levels, nutrient intake, and lifestyle to get a clear understanding of your health.

You can turn to the team at Miguel Albert, MD, for solutions to problems like:

  • Hot flashes
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Decreased energy levels
  • Mental confusion
  • Unwanted weight gain
  • Low libido
  • Insomnia
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Irritability or mood swings

By making sure they have a clear understanding of your overall health, your provider treats current conditions and can prevent issues from arising in the future. Preventive care is an important part of postmenopausal care and can include nutritional supplements, lifestyle changes, and hormone therapy.

After menopause, your production of estrogen and progesterone decreases, which causes many of the symptoms you may be experiencing: hot flashes, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and so on. Your provider may supplement your hormone levels to relieve some of these uncomfortable symptoms.

These can be some of the best years of your life, and you deserve dedicated postmenopausal care to help you fully enjoy them. To learn more about how the services available at Miguel Albert, MD, can help you, call the office or reach out online today.