Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care services offered in Miami, FL

Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care services offered in Miami, FL

If you know or suspect you’re going to have a baby, access to expert medical care can give you the peace of mind you need to focus on the present moment. At his self-named practice, Miguel Albert, MD, and Mariola Sabillon, APRN, offer comprehensive prenatal care in Miami, Florida. To learn more, contact the office by phone or book an appointment online today.

Prenatal Care Q & A

What are the essential facets of prenatal care?

Dr. Albert is a skilled practitioner with years of experience, and he can ensure you have the tools you need every step of the way. The practice provides:

Prenatal testing

Prenatal care includes important diagnostic tests to identify your child’s blood type and gender, potential health problems in you or your child, and their position in your uterus.

Medical care and testing during pregnancy

Using a pregnancy test to confirm your good news, your provider can help you estimate your due date. An ultrasound, further down the line, will confirm.

They will also monitor your blood pressure and weight to make sure you’re both healthy, along with checking your baby’s growth, development, and heartbeat.

How will my prenatal care needs change during my pregnancy?

As your pregnancy progresses, you will see your provider more frequently so they can ensure your and your baby’s needs are being met. A typical checkup schedule is to visit:

  • Monthly during the first six months of your pregnancy (or until 28 weeks along)
  • Every two weeks during your seventh and eighth months (or until 36 weeks)
  • Every week in your last month of pregnancy

Your specialist performs examinations, tests, and ultrasounds as needed during your pregnancy.

What lifestyle habits complement my prenatal care?

Dr. Albert offers you the benefit of his experience and answers your questions from the beginning of your pregnancy. To ensure you and your baby feel your best, the team offers nutritional and lifestyle recommendations, such as:

  • Avoid alcohol, smoking, and excessive caffeine (more than 200 milligrams)
  • Choose healthy foods, such as lean meats, fruits, and vegetables
  • Make sure to get sufficient calcium, folic acid, and other important nutrients
  • Drink plenty of water or other hydrating fluids, which can also help ease constipation symptoms
  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Exercise daily

Your pregnancy is an important time in your life, and expert prenatal care can make the journey smoother and more joyful. To find out how the team at Miguel Albert, MD, can help you and your family, call the office or book an appointment online today.