
Hysteroscopy services offered in Miami, FL


Hysteroscopy services offered in Miami, FL

A hysteroscopy can be a valuable procedure, providing insight into your gynecological health. At his self-named practice in Miami, Florida, Miguel Albert, MD, and Mariola Sabillon, APRN, have the expertise and experience to perform a hysteroscopy to diagnose specific gynecological problems. To learn more, call or use the online booking tool today.

Hysteroscopy Q & A

What is a hysteroscopy?

A hysteroscopy is a diagnostic and sometimes therapeutic procedure that provides a detailed view of your uterine cavity. It's typically performed in an outpatient setting, and you may be under local anesthesia or mild sedation, depending on your specific circumstances. 

The hysteroscope, which is inserted through your cervix, has a light source and a camera that transmits images to a screen for your provider to observe.

What issues can a hysteroscopy identify?

A hysteroscopy can help identify various gynecological problems, including:


These are small growths in the uterine lining that can cause abnormal bleeding.


Fibroids are noncancerous growths that can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding and pain.


Adhesions can cause scar tissue to form inside the uterus, potentially causing fertility issues or changes in menstrual flow.

Abnormal uterine shape

Some congenital abnormalities in the uterus can be identified through hysteroscopy.

IUD placement

A hysteroscopy can ensure the proper placement of an IUD and diagnose any complications.

What can I expect during a hysteroscopy?

During your procedure, you're positioned on an exam table. Your provider gently dilates your cervix to insert the hysteroscope. You may experience mild cramping and pressure, but it's usually well-tolerated. 

He then carefully examines your uterine lining and addresses any issues found. Typically, the entire procedure takes less than 30 minutes.

When will I know the results of my hysteroscopy?

Your provider will often discuss their initial findings immediately after the hysteroscopy. If any abnormalities are detected, they may perform additional procedures, such as removing polyps or fibroids, during the same session. In some cases, a biopsy may be necessary to determine the nature of any growth.

After your hysteroscopy, you may experience mild cramping or spotting, which should subside within a day or two. Your complete results, including any biopsy findings, will typically be available within a week or two, and your provider will discuss the results with you during a follow-up appointment. 

If any significant issues are detected, your specialist works with you to develop an appropriate treatment plan to address your specific needs.

To learn more about how a hysteroscopy can diagnose and address various uterine issues, call the Miguel Albert, MD practice today or book an appointment online anytime, day or night.