
Phlebotomy services offered in Miami, FL


Phlebotomy services offered in Miami, FL

Do you need a blood sample drawn to get crucial information about your body’s functioning? At his self-named practice in Miami, Florida, Miguel Albert, MD, and Mariola Sabillon, APRN, offer expert phlebotomy care. They can provide necessary tests safely and promptly. To learn more, call the office or reach out online today.

Phlebotomy Q & A

What is phlebotomy?

Phlebotomy, or a blood draw, is a crucial tool for testing and diagnostics, as well as for  therapeutic applications. During a phlebotomy, your provider inserts a needle into one of your veins and withdraws blood into one or several vials.

Under the care of a skilled practitioner like Miguel Albert, MD, phlebotomy services result in the best clinical outcomes.

What are some standard uses for phlebotomy?

Phlebotomy yields important information about your health, including:

Complete blood count (CBC)

A CBC measures the count of your white and red blood cells, along with platelets and other vital information about your blood.

Comprehensive metabolic panel

This is a test of your blood chemistry. It measures multiple substances in your blood, particularly blood glucose levels.

Lipid panels

Lipid panels reveal whether you have healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are vital to protecting heart wellness.

Blood clotting

Finding out whether your blood clots irregularly can help you prevent uncontrolled bleeding or, on the other end of the spectrum, abnormal and dangerous clotting.

Blood enzyme test

This test reveals tissue damage or signs of disease. Importantly, it can indicate a heart attack, even if the attack itself went unnoticed.

What can I expect during my phlebotomy appointment?

It’s normal to experience nervousness or anxiety before having your blood drawn, and your provider takes care to ensure your comfort and put you at ease. While they gently clean the area to prepare your vein for the procedure, you can:

  • Read a book
  • Focus on another area of the room 
  • Practice deep, even breathing
  • Close your eyes

It’s up to you whether you would like to view the process, and once you’re ready, it’s usually over very quickly. You may feel a slight pinch, but in the hands of a skilled provider, this is minimal.

The duration of your appointment can vary, depending on what needs to be done. For diagnostic purposes, you can usually draw sufficient blood to test in a few minutes. Therapeutic phlebotomy may take longer, but your provider will tell you what to expect.

After your appointment, you may be a little sore, but this subsides quickly. Drink plenty of water and avoid intense exercise for the next few hours.

To learn more about phlebotomy services, call Miguel Albert, MD, or reach out to the practice online today.