Breast Evaluation

Breast Evaluation services offered in Miami, FL

Breast Evaluation

Breast Evaluation services offered in Miami, FL

A breast evaluation can detect issues that may be a health concern. That’s why at his self-named practice in Miami, Florida, Miguel Albert, MD, and Mariola Sabillon, APRN, encourage women to come in for a professional evaluation and to check their breasts for any changes as well. To book your appointment, click online to request a visit or call the administrative team today.

Breast Evaluation Q & A

What is a breast evaluation?

A breast evaluation is a comprehensive examination of your breasts performed by your provider to assess your health and detect any potential abnormalities. It plays a pivotal role in the early detection of breast-related issues, including breast cancer.

What can I expect during a breast evaluation?

During a breast evaluation at Miguel Albert, MD, you can anticipate the following steps:

Medical history discussion

Your provider learns about your medical history, including any previous breast concerns, family history of breast cancer, and current symptoms or changes you may have noticed.

Physical examination

Next, he conducts a physical examination of your breasts. This involves visually inspecting and palpating (feeling) the breasts to check for any lumps, changes in size or shape, skin abnormalities, or nipple discharge.


In some cases, they may recommend a mammogram, which is an X-ray of your breast tissue. Mammograms are especially effective in detecting breast abnormalities in their early stages and play an important role in breast cancer screening.

Additional tests

If any suspicious findings emerge from your physical examination or mammogram, your provider may suggest further tests like breast ultrasound, MRI, or a breast biopsy to gather more information.

You can also ask questions about any concerns you might have.

What issues can a breast evaluation identify?

A breast evaluation is essential for identifying various breast-related concerns, including:

  • Breast cancer
  • Benign breast conditions (e.g., cysts, fibroadenomas, or abnormalities)
  • Infections or inflammations (e.g., mastitis or other inflammatory issues)
  • Nipple or skin changes

Be sure to mention if you’ve noticed any changes to one or both of your breasts.

Can I perform a breast evaluation on myself?

Yes, you can and should perform regular breast self-examination (BSEs) as a part of your routine health care. While self-exams aren’t a substitute for professional evaluations, they empower you to become familiar with your breasts and notice any unusual changes between clinical visits.

To perform a self-exam, follow a systematic approach, checking for lumps, changes in texture, skin or nipple abnormalities, and any pain. If you notice anything unusual during a self-exam, promptly book an appointment for a professional evaluation. Early detection is vital for the successful management of breast-related issues, particularly breast cancer.

To book a breast evaluation at Miguel Albert, MD, call today or use the online scheduler when you’re ready.