D&C services offered in Miami, FL


D&C services offered in Miami, FL

If you need to treat abnormal uterine bleeding or remove potentially hazardous tissue, dilation and curettage (D&C) can protect your health. At his self-named practice in Miami, Florida, Miguel Albert, MD, and Mariola Sabillon, APRN, offer D&C procedures to prevent uterine infection, remove tumors or polyps, and treat bleeding. Find out more about D&C by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.

D&C Q & A

What is D&C?

Dilation and curettage (D&C) is a procedure that the skilled team at Miguel Albert, MD, performs to remove uterine tissue and diagnose or treat uterine conditions. During D&C, your provider dilates the cervix and uses a small instrument to remove tissue from the uterus.

What conditions can D&C diagnose or treat?

Your specialist may recommend a D&C if you’re experiencing abnormal bleeding. It can also detect cancer or be used to help diagnose the underlying cause of infertility. If abnormal bleeding is due to fibroid tumors or cancer, a D&C can obtain tissue samples for closer study.

If the bleeding is due to a hormone imbalance, your provider offers postmenopausal care to relieve symptoms.

If you’ve suffered a miscarriage, a D&C can remove any tissue that hasn’t passed naturally. This can prevent infection and protect your reproductive and overall health.

What can I expect during my D&C?

Your specialist will tell you how to prepare beforehand. For example, you may need to fast before the procedure. Let them know about any allergies, such as to latex, anesthesia, iodine, or any medicines.

After changing into a hospital gown and emptying your bladder, you will settle into position with your legs supported, similar to when you have a pelvic exam. Depending on your needs, you may be given local or general anesthesia.

You may experience some cramping or pressure as your provider expands the cervix and removes the abnormal uterine tissue. They then remove the instruments and may send the samples for analysis.

What can I expect after my D&C?

Due to the local or general anesthesia, make sure you have someone drive you home after the procedure. You may want to bring a sanitary pad to catch any bleeding or spotting after the procedure.

Expect some cramping for a few days, and avoid tampon use or sex for two to three days after your D&C. Be gentle with yourself; rest and wait until your provider gives you the all-clear before you attempt strenuous activity or heavy lifting.

Because a D&C impacts your uterine lining, your menstrual cycle may begin earlier than usual.

To learn more about how a D&C can protect your health, call the office of Miguel Albert, MD, or book online today.